Which Septic Tank Do You Need?

Environmental Blog

You use water everyday for washing, cleaning your home, and flushing the toilet, and most of the time you probably do not think about it at all. While water usage may seem unimportant sometimes, you do need to consider what happens to your wastewater. If you move into a property which is not connected to the main water system, then you will need to purchase a septic tank to treat your wastewater. How can you know which septic tank you should choose? Here are four considerations you will need to think through before making your decision.

What is the right size for your new tank?

Septic tanks come in a variety of sizes, and it is important that you choose a tank that is going to capable of keeping up with your water usage without being needlessly large. Before you even start looking at tanks, it's a good idea to take the time to work out the water usage for your property. Try to include all areas where you use water—not just the obvious times such as showering and washing clothes, but also cooking and watering the lawn. You will need a tank which is large enough to accommodate two days' worth of water usage. Don't forget to allow a buffer, especially if you sometimes accommodate guests for an extended period of time.

How much space do you have?

Where are you going to place your septic tank? The majority of septic tanks are situated in either the front or back yard, but wherever you put the tank, don't forget that you will need enough space for the drain field as well as the tank.

What type of soil do you have?

In addition to the size and location of the tank, you will need to give some attention to the type of soil into which the tank will be fitted. If the soil in your location is mainly gravel or coarse sand, then you will find that pressure-type septic tanks will be more effective, since these are equipped to deal with underground sinkage.

Is the quality of workmanship sufficient?

Don't be misled by a brand name and immediately pick a septic tank from one of the best-known manufacturers. Instead of concentrating on the name, take the time to look at the tank itself and see if it looks sturdy enough. Examine the materials used in the construction and satisfy yourself that the septic tank will stand the test of time and keep working as it should.


24 October 2019

My Green Energy Tips and Advice

There is no better feeling than knowing you have done your bit to protect the planet. If you are interested in saving the planet, you have come to the right place. On this blog, I hope that I can encourage you to take action. I would love it if everyone who read the articles I have published here took a step towards living in a carbon-neutral home which utilises green energy. I'm not an expert and I don't work in the industry. However, I am passionate about the environment and I have been working with local green energy contractors to improve my home.